How to Delight Your Customers with Improved Customer Experience?

December 6, 2022
Business Blogs

When your customers are satisfied, they believe in the brand and become loyal. Read on to learn some ways to meet your customers’ expectations easily.

We have been talking about customer satisfaction lately. 

How do you improve customer satisfaction?

It can be as simple as picking up the phone.    

In these times of chatbots and emails, actually picking up the phone to connect with a client, finding out how they are and seeing if there are any other ways to help will make a big difference to them and potentially to you as well. 


First things first, you need to offer a quality product or service. If people don’t receive the bare minimum, they won’t come back to your business, no matter how great they feel about how they have been treated. 

Your Fijian resort, for example, needs to be clean, safe and well-organised, no matter what. 

To really stand out, however, you need to take your buyers by surprise and go the extra mile. 


Here are some ways to improve customer experience: 


Personalise Where Possible

Everyone likes to feel special and appreciated. 

A handwritten note, a follow-up thank you email or recommendations based on past purchases, location or customer profile are all ways to make a difference. 

If you have the time, you could also explore making quick videos for your clients. Even a few seconds on the camera where you mention their name can help strengthen their connection with their brand. Bonjoro is an app that lets you do this easily. 

Too busy to make individual videos? Make a generic thank you clip and send it via email. Use a mailing platform that includes their first name as part of the template and it will feel more personal.  


Value-Added Bonuses

Add value to your customers’ purchases and improve customer satisfaction with a free gift or some additional time from you. 

Adding value can come in the form of a discount on your customers’ next purchase or a small branded item that shows you care. 

Phone calls

Who would have ever predicted twenty years ago that phoning your customers would be seen as a way to delight them? 




As a business owner, you may think being nice goes hand in hand with any customer-facing role. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. But this means your organisation has an opportunity to stand out. 

Hire staff for attitude but also create scripts and set rules for them to follow when they interact with others as a way to improve customer satisfaction. From mechanic workshops to bookkeeping businesses, the language and tone that are used make a big difference in people’s experiences. 


Keep in Touch

In an ideal world, you will know your target customer well enough to create a ‘journey’ for them that involves repeat business. For example, does a customer who has just had a haircut require a reminder six weeks later? Perhaps they mentioned they have an event coming up and would love a blow-dry. 

Think about every point where a customer may interact with your business, from the initial research to the first appointment and the content they see on social media, through to the time when they no longer need what you have to offer. If you can make their lives easier by staying one step ahead, you’ll delight your customers and improve their experience. Work with your team to find streamlined and automated ways to ensure you are never far from your customers’ minds, for all the right reasons. 

As a final tip, ensure your employees are incentivized to care about customer experience. Include customer feedback scores in your KPIs so your team is motivated to go the extra mile.


If you’re looking for an efficient way to promote your services, upcoming events & client feedback or are looking to find trusted and credible subject matter experts like a social media expert, don’t forget to keep exploring the BackBone platform. 

Sign up for a free 3-month trial here.


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