The Powerful One-Minute Rule!

Do you struggle to stay on top of everything? You’re not alone! Read this article to discover how you can improve your time management skills. Years ago, I read something that resonated with me and has become my life mantra! The one-minute rule. If something takes a minute or less to do, then do it […]

The Day I Turned Down Being on TV

It started as a joke. My husband Sonny (who’s an amazing cook by the way) decided one fine day to apply for Masterchef but then finding out he’d missed the application deadline turned his interest to another well-known reality cooking show – MKR or My Kitchen Rules. There was only one problem, he needed a […]

Striking a Balance Between Good Stress & Bad Stress

Bad stress is escapable. Don’t let anyone teach you otherwise. Here are the ways that will help you. “She’d been preoccupied all afternoon, pacing back & forth, refreshing ‘Docusign’ every couple of minutes. The anxiety was killing her! Her colleagues tried to engage her in the usual office banter but even though she laughed along […]

Joys & Pitfalls of Working as an Entrepreneur

Are you ready to take on the challenge of being an entrepreneur? Or you don’t want to leave your 9-5? Read on! Last night over a glass of wine, we reminisced about past Melbourne Cup celebrations with our work colleagues. My husband asked me if I missed my old life in the corporate sector. It’s […]

A Valuable Sales Lesson from a 5-Year-Old

When you ask good questions, you’ll be able to build trust and rapport with your customer. Read the story to know how I learned about the same. So about a week ago, we were at the beach and met up with a friend whose son’s birthday was the following weekend. While we chatted, her son, […]