Striking a Balance Between Good Stress & Bad Stress

Bad stress is escapable. Don’t let anyone teach you otherwise. Here are the ways that will help you. “She’d been preoccupied all afternoon, pacing back & forth, refreshing ‘Docusign’ every couple of minutes. The anxiety was killing her! Her colleagues tried to engage her in the usual office banter but even though she laughed along […]

Joys & Pitfalls of Working as an Entrepreneur

Are you ready to take on the challenge of being an entrepreneur? Or you don’t want to leave your 9-5? Read on! Last night over a glass of wine, we reminisced about past Melbourne Cup celebrations with our work colleagues. My husband asked me if I missed my old life in the corporate sector. It’s […]

A Valuable Sales Lesson from a 5-Year-Old

When you ask good questions, you’ll be able to build trust and rapport with your customer. Read the story to know how I learned about the same. So about a week ago, we were at the beach and met up with a friend whose son’s birthday was the following weekend. While we chatted, her son, […]